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Members honored at 2014 LMA Spring Exhibition

Guild members Janet Hudachek and Mike Pogorzelski both received high honors at the League of Milwaukee Artists Spring Exhibition artists’ reception last Friday evening, March 14, 2014. Janet’s colored pencil work, titled “Amethyst, Emeralds, Topaz and Marbles,” earned the Merit Award, and Mike’s oil painting, “Mountain Home” took first place. Janet and Mike recently branched out and joined the League of Milwaukee Artists in addition to the Guild.

You can see Janet and Mike’s works on the walls of the Community Room Art Gallery at the Unitarian Universalist Church West. The exhibit is on view through March 27th, between and after church services on Sundays, or by appointment.


  1. Congrats to both Mike and Janet
    This “NEWS” page is a wonderful tool for the Guild to use. Members can crow about their latest creations, contest entries, and awards.
    Although our original website was amazing it went underutilized. This newer version is easy to read and should be easier to update. I hope ALL our members will take full advantage of this site.
    A HUGE Thank You goes out to our webmaster, Beth!!! We truly appreciate all the work you have done.

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